Ulrike Parson spricht auf Adobe DITA World: From DITA to iiRDS

19. September 2019

Die Adobe DITA World ist die weltgrößte Online-DITA-Konferenz für Experten aus Marketing und Technical Communication. Die kostenlose Konferenz findet vom 9. – 11. Oktober 2019 statt. Ulrike Parson spricht am 9. Oktober 2019, 1.00 pm (PDT), 10.00 pm (CEST, Berlin).

Ulrike Parson

From DITA to iiRDS. Why DITA and iiRDS are a perfect fit and will become the information backbone of Industry 4.0 and IoT

Smart factories and the Internet of Things require intelligent content that humans and machines can understand alike. For this, we need to design fine-granular content and enrich it with metadata for context-aware use. Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are based on the idea that plants, devices, and components connect intelligently with each other. How can we connect device and software documentation content from different manufacturers? They use different terms, different levels of content granularity, and different metadata. At this point iiRDS, the new standard for the delivery of intelligent content, comes into play. iiRDS aims to standardize the metadata that we deliver together with our documentation to make the content semantically accessible.

This session will introduce you to the components and capabilities of iiRDS and discuss the good fit between DITA and iiRDS.

Adobe DITA World

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