Danfoss goes iiRDS – The journey continues. Partner presentation by Holger Thater (Danfoss) and Frank Ralf (parson) at NORDIC TechKomm 2024

August 19, 2024

At the NORDIC TechKomm 2024, which takes place from September 18 to 19 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Holger Thater (Danfoss) and Frank Ralf (parson) will present the continuation of our joint iiRDS project: "Danfoss goes iiRDS – Moving to a standard-based metadata model – the journey continues".

Danfoss goes iiRDS – the journey continues. NORDIC TechKomm 2024


As a supplier for AC drives, the digital agenda is crucial for Danfoss Drives. That is why we are implementing digital product information delivery as close to industry standards as possible. Hence, we selected a DITA-based CCMS and based the metadata model on iiRDS right from the beginning.

After we have demonstrated the metadata analyzing and definition phase in last year's presentation, we will present the implementation/usage of iiRDS elements in MadCap IXIA CCMS together with our partner parson AG, who helped us developing and implementing the metadata model. Both, the definition and the implementation phase, were done as official iiRDS pilot projects. Mehr


September 18, 2024, 1.00 p.m.

How it started

At the tcworld conference 2023, Holger Thater and Frank Ralf presented the first part of the project. You can watch the recording on our YouTube channel:

Danfoss goes iiRDS – presentation at the tcworld conference 2023

About NORDIC TechKomm

NORDIC TechKomm is an international conference for technical communicators, information developers, content strategists, and other professionals working in technical communication.

The conference offers talks, workshops, and panel discussions on a variety of topics relevant to professionals in this field, such as content strategy, user-centricity, the use of new technologies like AI, and the creation of documentation for various industries like IT, healthcare, and engineering.

In 2024, NORDIC TechKomm will take place in one of Europe's most dynamic and innovative cities: Copenhagen, Denmark.  

Visit the NORDIC TechKomm website

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