InterOpera: parson contributes to the development of two sub-models of the Asset Administration Shell
We are happy to support the InterOpera project by contributing to the development of two sub-models of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS):
- Digital Standards Datasheet, which defines how standards are delivered in the Asset Administration Shell.
- iiRDS Handover Documentation, which implements an Asset Administration Shell for technical documentation that is delivered as iiRDS.
In both projects, we use our iiRDS know-how to support the implementation of the iiRDS standard in the Asset Administration Shell. iiRDS is used to semantically enrich standards and technical documentation and makes it possible to automatically process the delivered content.
What is InterOpera?
The national project InterOpera aims to strengthen the digital compatibility of Industry 4.0. Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and running over a period of 30 months, the project partners are addressing challenges faced by manufacturing companies in the field of Industry 4.0 in Germany and the precise implementation of the Asset Administration Shell .
InterOpera is working towards a standardized implementation of the Asset Administration Shell in practice. The goal is to develop 50 specific, feasible, and compatible sub-models of the Asset Administration Shell according to the reference architecture model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) for as many business processes as possible.