Watch closely – The magic of Chatbots

by on March 31, 2020

"Are you watching closely?"

This is the question "The Prestige" starts out with. In this movie, two rivaling magicians compete for the most spectacular illusion. Using sophisticated technology, they take ordinary objects and make them do something extraordinary. But extraordinary is not enough. The perfect illusion requires a surprise. Something the audience has never seen before. Making something disappear is not enough. You need to make it reappear as well.

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We've been watching chatbots closely. Because what may seem like magic is actually clever technology. Most companies communicate via social media by now. And while using chatbots in social media is still somewhat unusual, that in itself is no reason for applause. For the perfect illusion to work, the chatbot needs to surprise your customers with helpful answers to their questions.

Technical documentation already contains many of these answers. But how do you reuse the answers in your documentation to feed your chatbot? The key to this not-so-magic trick: transform the technical documentation into intelligent information. We invite you to watch closely as well.

Find out how chatbots work and how you can prepare your documentation for reuse with chatbots: Chatbots and Technical Documentation – Reusing Content for Conversational User Assistance.

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