Meet us at the tcworld conference and tekom fair 2024

September 12, 2024

Meet our technical communication experts in engaging presentations, workshops and a panel discussion at the tcworld conference 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany. For the first time, we will also be a co-exhibitor at the tekom fair for the first time.

Learn more about our presentations and our fair stand here: parson at the tcworld conference 2024.

Would you like to meet us in person? Make an appointment!

tcworld 2024

parson as co-exhibitor for the first time

We are pleased to be a co-exhibitor at the tekom fair for the first time. Our experts in documentation technology, information architecture, artificial intelligence and technical documentation are waiting for you at the booth of our partner Oxygen (Syncro Soft), booth 2E05 .

Come by or make an appointment!

Our presentations at tcworld conference 2024

 Alles KI oder was? Ist KI die Wunderwaffe für die Technische Kommunikation? (Is everything AI? Is AI the magic bullet for technical communication?)

Ulrike Parson, parson, and Dr. Britta Görs, Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Expert talk, November 5, 2024, 10:00 a.m., Plenum 1 (in German)

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Die Softwareentwickler sind los – Einfache Dokumentationsumgebung für komplexe Anforderungen gesucht (Software developers on the move – looking for a simple documentation environment for complex requirements)

Paula Thomsen, Finnova and Marion Knebel, parson
Partner presentation, November 5, 2024, 10:00 a.m. (in German)
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Your way to iiRDS – Playing with the DITA Open Toolkit

Mark Schubert, parson, and Martin Kreutzer, Empolis
Workshop, November 5, 2024, 11.30 a.m.
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Danfoss goes iiRDS – Moving to a standard-based metadata model –  the journey continues 

Holger Thater, Danfoss, and Frank Ralf, parson
Partner presentation, November 5, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

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Die Evolution des Wissens: Intelligente Content-Erstellung im Zeitalter von Mensch und KI (The evolution of knowledge: creating intelligent content in the age of humans and artificial intelligence) 

Panel discussion, November 5, 2024, 5:30 p.m., Plenum 1 (in German)


  • Ulrike Parson, parson AG
  • Klaus Fleischmann, Kaleidoscope GmbH
  • Helmut Nagy, Semantic Web Company GmbH
  • Dr. Harald Stadlbauer, Ninefeb Technical Documentation GmbH
  • Karsten Schrempp, PANTOPIX GmbH (Moderation)

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Wenn der digitale Zwilling die Dokumentation steuert (When the digital twin drives documentation)

Ulrike Parson, parson, and Thomas Ziesing, Endress+Hauser
Partner presentation, November 6, 2024, 12.30 p.m. (in German)

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Stein auf Stein - Wir bauen Ihre Dokumentation modular um (Brick by brick – we rebuild your documentation in a modular way)

Lukas Jetzig and Patrick Schedlbauer, parson 
Workshop, November 6, 2024, 4:30 p.m. (in German)
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