Information architecture and consulting for content management and content delivery in technical communication
Thanks to parson’s support, we were able to tackle this complex and demanding project in a structured manner and overcome the challenges along the way. parson’s expertise and methodologies helped us manage the tasks associated with this project and to develop solutions.
Objectives and achievements
Endress+Hauser is gearing its technical communication to modular electronic delivery that matches the product configuration. To this end, the company is launching a new content management system and a topic-oriented, semantic information architecture. parson is supporting Endress+Hauser’s working groups during the content management system's launch phase by providing system consulting and information architecture services. parson is also working in close coordination with the tool manufacturer Empolis.
Our services in detail
Supporting the development of information architecture
- Adapting the DITA document type definition (DTD) based on the Endress+Hauser functional design
Developing and testing concepts for modularization and reusing content in the form of information units (topics) and fragments
Supporting the definition of variant management for modular content in the Content Express content management system from Empolis
Developing semantic models for information categories, product properties, and product functions in a knowledge graph
Metadata modeling based on iiRDS, e. g., for information types, product variants, and information products
Documenting information architecture, semantic models, and system architecture as contribution to a future style guide for technical communication
Consulting on the system setup
- Developing technical concepts for data exchange with other systems, e. g., for reusing product data and delivery content to processing systems
- Configuration work in Empolis Content Express
- Project management
About Endress+Hauser AG
Endress+Hauser AG is a leading global supplier of measuring instruments, services, and solutions for industrial process engineering. The company offers process solutions for flow, level, pressure, and temperature measurement, for analytical measurements, measurement recording, and digital communication, optimizing processes in terms of the economic efficiency, safety and impact on the environment. Endress+Hauser’s clients operate in a variety of industries, including chemicals, energy and power plants, basic materials and metals, food, life sciences, oil and gas, and water/wastewater.