Cooperations and memberships


In order to provide you with an excellent and comprehensive service for information management and technical communication, we cooperate with strong partners who are specialists in their respective fields and who share our quality standards.

Rely on our experience with Oxygen XML Editor & Co

parson is a certified consulting partner and reseller of Syncro Soft, the developer of Oxygen products for efficiently creating and editing technical documentation. Oxygen XML Editor and Oxygen XML Author are among the most widely used tools for creating XML-based content outside of a component content management system. What we do for you as an Oxygen reseller


To further develop technical communication and collaborate with other experts, we have become members of associations and professional networks.

Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft (or Federal Association of small- and medium-sized businesses), Network for German SMEs

Content Component Alliance
A hub for professionals interested in the dynamic fields of content componentization and structured content authoring

The German Institute for Standardization, an independent platform for norms and standardization

German Standardization Strategy

iiRDS Consortium
The tekom consortium, which is driving the development and commercialization of the iiRDS content delivery standard

The Professional Association for Technical Communication and Information Development

Netzwerk Erfolgsfaktor Familie 
A platform for companies in Germany that are interested in family-friendly personnel policy