Martin Fiebig is a technical communicator and has been working at parson since 2022. He studied Technical Information Design and Technical Writing at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover with a focus on technical writing, media informatics, and DITA-XML-based documentation.
You can now publish iiRDS packages from DITA-XML based on existing metadata. A new free plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) developed by the iiRDS consortium makes this possible. Any content management system and CCMS using the DITA OT can now generate iiRDS packages. more...
There are several ways and tools you can use to create a PDF from a technical documentation in DITA-XML or a website in HTML. In the first part of this knowledge article, I look at the advantages and disadvantages of the languages commonly used in this process: XSL-FO and CSS Paged Media. In the second part I compare programs for rendering HTML files to PDF files via CSS and compare their functions. more...