Artificial intelligence, Chatbots, iiRDS, and DITA – our presentations at tcworld 2023

July 31, 2023

How will artificial intelligence change our profession? Many are already using ChatGPT and large language models. This development will change the world of technical communication. Artificial intelligence is therefore one of the focal points of our presentations at tcworld 2023. Ulrike Parson will start with an overview on the subject in her presentation "Artificial intelligence in technical communication: use cases, legal aspects, and the future of our profession.” (in German)

The tcworld conference takes place from November 14–16, 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany, and brings together technical communication professionals from around the world. We are excited to be back and look forward to learning about the latest developments and trends, attending inspiring talks, and networking with colleagues. We look forward to ideas and inspiration, and of course, the booth parties. They are finally allowed again this year.


But before we can relax at the booth parties, we have to work and prepare our presentations. Here are our topics:

Artificial intelligence in technical communication: use cases, legal aspects and the future of our profession (in German)

Ulrike Parson, expert talk

November 14, 2023, 10.00 a.m. at plenum 1

AI applications such as ChatGPT will change technical communication. Ulrike Parson will provide an overview of current developments in AI and the potential applications of AI in the creation and use of technical documentation, presenting examples from various systems. She will also discuss legal aspects such as the planned European AI Act and AI’s impact on our profession.


Feeding a chatbot with your documentation content

Mette Lilienthal and Jörg Schmidt (RWS), partner presentation

November 14, 2023, 9.00 a.m., room C6.2

In this presentation, we will introduce a content supply chain to make XML documentation content accessible to a chatbot. We will also present a typical use-case scenario where the chatbot is used for troubleshooting and responds with the correct solution(s) extracted directly from the XML source files. This solution was developed as part of Mette Lilienthal’s master’s thesis, which also included user acceptance tests for this kind of user assistance.


KI yes, but not ChatGPT! How do I get my own language model? (in German)

Helle Hannken-Illjes and Ulrike Parson, expert talk

November 15, 2023, 9.00 a.m., room C6.2

Large Language Models (LLM) like the one that powers ChatGPT, will transform technical communication. There are many use cases for AI, from text generation to voice assistants. But what if your company wants to leverage AI without using and feeding public models like ChatGPT? How do you customize an LLM for specific documents and language rules? We will present our first results from training an LLM on enterprise data.  


Danfoss goes iiRDS – Moving to a standard-based metadata model

Frank Ralf and Holger Thater (Danfoss), project presentation

November 14, 2023, 10.00 a.m., room C5.2

As a supplier for AC drives, the digital agenda is crucial for Danfoss Drives. In order to implement the digital delivery of product information as close as possible to industry standards, Danfoss selected a DITA-based CCMS and based the metadata model on iiRDS. parson supported the project by developing and implementing the metadata model. In this presentation, will will take you on a journey from the idea to the implementation in IXIASOFT CCMS.


DITA to CDP: iiRDS Plugins for the DITA-OT

Mark Schubert, presentation

November 15, 2023, 12.50 a.m., DITA Arena

Smart micro content and content delivery have been the buzz words for quite a while. DITA with its self-contained topics is well suited for these new content strategies. Did you know that there are even plugins to support the iiRDS standard? You can build iiRDS packages from your DITA files and upload them to a content delivery portal. This talk is about the open-source iiRDS DITA-OT plugins. You will learn about the first version of the plugins, their features, challenges, and about upcoming improvements.


AI and Technical Communication – What's Next?

Panel with Ulrike Parson, Prof. Dr. Johannes Schildgen (OTH Regensburg), Fabrice Lacroix (Antidot Fluid Topics), Sarah S. O'Keefe (Scriptorium)
November 14, 2023, 5.30 p.m., Plenum 1

In this panel discussion, we will focus on all aspects of auto-generated content like ChatGPT and discuss about the influence and consequences for technical communication. What are the next steps and how can we best cope with it? 


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