Panel discussion "Techdoc in the time of COVID-19" at IXIASOFT digital conference CCMS Link

March 08, 2021

Julian Murfitt (Mekon), Val Swisher (Content Rules) and Ulrike Parson will discuss important questions on "Techdoc in the time of COVID-19".  Some of these questions are:

  • Are online meetings with customers a viable alternative to in-person events?
  • Which industries have been affected by or have benefitted from the pandemic? 
  • Has COVID 19 been an accelarator for taxonomy and metadata?
  • How does on-boarding of new staff work during the pandemic?

The panel discussion takes place on March 25, 2021 at 12.00 p.m. (EDT) or 5.00 p.m. (CET).

The CCMS Link User Conference is free and takes place from March 23 - 25, 2021.

parson is Gold-Sponsor of CCMS Link 2021. The conference offers a variety of presentations around technical communication, such as case studies, best practices, tips and tricks, panel discussions, and interactive Q&A sessions with industry leaders. 


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