tcworld 2018. What's New With iiRDS?
There were some interesting suggestions: Irdis (Ürdis), Ay-Two-Ar-Dee (I2RD) and Ay-Ar-Dee (IRD). But then someone mentioned Ar-Two-Dee-Two, and that was the end of the discussion.
New: iiRDS Café
The iiRDS Café was a success. For almost three hours, several iiRDS experts answered questions. Marion Knebel presented "iiRDS in DITA". Mark Schubert explained the metadata format and the iiRDS package format.
A year in review and a look ahead
What has happened at iiRDS in the last year? What happens next? That was the topic of the presentation by Ulrike Parson and Mark Schubert.
The iiRDS consortium and the steering committee started their work, version 1.0 was released, and the iiRDS working groups were formed. Slides.
The presentation was recorded by tekom.
Switch to German to read more.