All entries for Technical documentation
Choosing a Component Content Management System (CCMS). How to decide
A CCMS (Content Component Management System) organizes the modular content of technical documentation in a database. Usually, the content is stored in the XML format. more...
tekom regional group Munich on June 27: AI in technical communication: Use cases, legal aspects, and the future of our profession
AI applications such as ChatGPT are disrupting traditional text and image generation and will have a profound impact on technical communication.
In her presentation, Ulrike Parson will give an overview of current developments in AI and possible applications of AI in the creation and use of technical documentation, using examples from various systems. She will also discuss legal aspects such as the AI Act and the implications for our profession. more...
Publish iiRDS packages from DITA-XML with the new plugin for DITA-OT
You can now publish iiRDS packages from DITA-XML based on existing metadata. A new free plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) developed by the iiRDS consortium makes this possible. Any content management system and CCMS using the DITA OT can now generate iiRDS packages. more...
The New Machinery Regulation – important changes and some questions
From January 2027 onwards, the new Machinery Regulation (EU) 2023/1230 will apply. It will replace the current Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The Machinery Regulation is a directly applicable EU regulation. This means that it is applicable in all EU member states without national transposition laws. more...
What does a content engineer / technical content engineer do?
The job description for technical communicators is constantly changing. A relatively new area of work is content engineering, which is becoming increasingly important in projects with our customers. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the tasks, skills, and education of a content engineer or technical content engineer and provide insights into the job search. more...