gds and parson partnership adds information architecture to its portfolio.
gds and parson have expanded their cooperation: customers implementing an information management solution from gds can now draw on parson’s many years of experience in modern and sustainable information architectures. With a solid information architecture as a foundation, companies will maximize the potential of their component content management system (CCMS) and content delivery portal.
The close relationship with parson AG is highly valuable for us. Their outstanding expertise in information architecture perfectly complements our own efforts in implementing our software solutions docuglobe, XR, and easybrowse. Together, we can offer our customers an all-inclusive package that allows them to effectively manage their data and information, and confidently face the challenges of the digital world.
Training in information architecture and information structures
Information architectures are constantly evolving. That is why parson’s experts document the architecture during the development phase and hand it over to the gds users for maintenance at the end of development. For this reason, parson also provides training in using the CCMS and/or content delivery portal.
About gds GmbH
Today, it does not suffice to simply offer editorial systems alone. gds GmbH provides a unique full service, encompassing technical documentation with a clear focus on efficiency increase and process optimization. Our products and services can help you work successfully and in an innovative manner. Perfectly tailored to your sector of industry, our systems and services will help you achieve your goal easily and quickly – regardless of where in the Content Life Cycle you may need our assistance. We can give you everything you need to be productive. No matter where or when, we can support you in realizing your vision and reaching your goals faster. Our products are tailored to your requirements and not the other way around, because we concentrate on what is really important – you. Our solutions help you do everything you do simply (and) better. Go to the gds website.