Introduction to iiRDS: STC webinar with Ulrike Parson

19. Januar 2022

Interested in iiRDS, the standard for exchanging and delivering digital user information? On January 26, 2022, Ulrike Parson will give a webinar on "Introduction to the Smart Content Standard iiRDS" at the Society for Technical Communication.


  • Scope and use cases of iiRDS
  • The metadata vocabulary of iiRDS – an introduction into information types, product metadata, functional metadata and administrative metadata

  • The package format of iiRDS

  • Examples of CCMS and content delivery applications using iiRDS

Objectives and takeaways

  • Create an understanding of how and when to use iiRDS.
  • Learn about an existing, free-to-use content delivery standard that offers a structured vocabulary for enriching technical documentation content with metadata and can be used to create smart content.
  • Learn about the increased role of metadata in the digitization of business processes including technical communication.


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Intelligente Informationen für technische Standards

von Uta Lange am 06. Januar 2022

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