Latest developments of iiRDS: recording of tcworld session 2022

von parson am 12. Januar 2023

In a joint session at the tcworld conference  2022, iiRDS Consortium members Dr. Michael Fritz (tekom Deutschland e. V.), Ulrike Parson and Mark Schubert (parson AG), Dr. Achim Steinacker (Empolis GmbH) and Dr. Jan Oevermann (plusmeta GmbH) presented the latest developments of iiRDS and reported on two projects that were realized in 2022: the development of an iiRDS Validation Tool and the improvement of terminology, e. g. by harmonizing definitions of classes, instances, and properties of the iiRDS schema.

The entire recording is now available:



The Steering Committee Chair and the Conveners of the working groups "Development," "Tools – Validation – Content," and "Standards" present the latest developments of iiRDS in 2022.

0:00 Welcome
1:00 Ulrike Parson (Steering Committee Chair): Mission and roadmap
7:49 Dr. Michael Fritz (Convener): Working group "Standards"
16:40 Mark Schubert (Convener): Working group "Development"
29:28 Dr. Achim Steinacker (Convener): Working group "Tools – Validation – Content"
43:05 Closing remarks and questions

Use iiRDS for your smart content delivery

parson is an advocate for iiRDS, the standard for the delivery and exchange of intelligent information. We help you develop an iiRDS metadata concept that fits your digital content strategy

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